Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Señales y Sonrisas, Signs and Smiles

Smiles, dancing, laughters and sign language from the Drakso School is what made me feel like I found a place where I want to spend some of my afternoons. I just started attending on Wed. and Fri. Drakso School, which is a vocational school for people with disabilities.They do amazingly creative and beautiful things there. They teach students how to paint, weave, carve and be fluent in sign language.
On my first day I sat next to a youn man who was painting the eight auspicious signs. He did every sign which such care and precision that it was just mind blowing. That same afternoon we all went to the patio and danced with them a Bhutanese song they are practicing for the Special Olympics event and we then also danced to modern music and we attempted to do some break dance ( and to be honest they were by far much better than I was).
Last Friday I went by myself. As soon as I came into the school a little boy rushed me to one of the rooms and started pointing at different images and doing the equivalent of them in sign language. We must have been there for at least half and hour and he taught me about 20 different signs, from signing toy box to stove.
 On that same day I had decided to take my camera with me and to my suprise all the students were very intrested in my taking pictures and videos of them. We basically had a photoshoot with them and just seeing how happy and comfortable they were about my presence there made my day. After it was time for all to leave I went down into town with three of the guys from the school and we sat in a cafe and had tea and momos ( dumplings). Two monks walked into the cafe and suddenly my friend got super excited and signaled me the sign for monk ( which is a combination of red + prayer). I learned so much  about them through that experience and I felt so lucky to be there with them. It is on days like these that it seems surreal that I am in Bhutan.
These  pictures are from rom that amazing day.

by : Marijose Vilá 2013

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